The Europeans had many reasons and thoughts on how the plague was first introduced. One reason is that they believed the Jews caused the plague by spoiling the drinking water. It seems like people back then blamed the Jews for EVERYTHING!!!! Another belief the people had was that God sent them the plague. But they believed he sent it to them in return for all of their sins. Neither of them really make any sense to me.
There were a bunch of bizzar ways the Europeans thought you could stop the plague by. One of the oddest was carrying around a "bezoar stone." Another weird one was washing in vinegar. Why would anyone want to do that, you'll just be dirtier than you were before!!! Also supposedly if you didn't eat rich foods or drank alcohol, you couldn't get the plague. But that obviously didn't work either.

One group of messed up men called the Flagellant Brothers thought they could rid themselves of the plague. They thought they could do this by going through a bunch of cities and whipping themselves. Again, why on Earth would u want to go through cities and have people watch you whip yourself!?!?! While they were thinking they were ridding themselves of this deadly plague, they were actually spreading it even more!!! Wow aren't they real smart..........
These are they ways people thought you could rid yourself of the plague, and how the plague was even introduced in the first place.
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